Hi Offray,
If I correctly understand your question you want to auto save something in your glamour
script. I do not know since I am not expert in Glamour. But I think glamour emit some
event and you can have some callbacks for this. I saw this while browsing the glamour
Le 9 févr. 2015 à 18:14, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<offray(a)riseup.net> a écrit :
Hi all,
This mail will have two parts, a small first one where I share my advances and little
context on the project and the second one, with details where I made specific questions
regarding concepts and code and how to make progress. I hope to be fluid and proper
balanced and interesting enough to get feedback soon.
I have made a small video at [1] showing my progress on Grafoscopio[2], a tool for the
creation of interactive notebooks for open/citizen/garage science and research (for a
better view I recommend to see the video in full screen mode).
As you can see, I have a complete outline of the Agile Visualization book stored as a
single "ston document" [3], that can be exported to pandoc's markdown [4]
and from there to LaTeX, pdf, html, doc, etc.
It can contain special tagged nodes and the view and behaviour of them change accordingly
to the tag. In the video a node tagged as code is showed as an interactive playground
where you can execute an explore the objects deeper.
My problem is that this kind of special nodes are not saved, as happens with default
nodes and the reason is that the special view (which is a sub-browser) is not wired
properly to the rest of the browser and that's why I get a nill value after revisiting
the code node in the video.
The logic of what I'm doing is something like this:
i. When a node in tree at the left is selected, it shows the contents of the selected
ii. If something changes in the node content at the right, the changes are automatically
iii. If a node is tagged in a special way, a custom browser is called.
The code that select which sub-browser to show for a particular tagged node is something
like this:
UI>>buildBrowserNamed: aName
"Main method for building the interface for trees and its nodes. The name of the
browser corresponds to the name of the file
where tree is stored (or is named 'draft.ston' by default)"
"... snip"
(browser transmit)
from: #tree port: #selection;
to: #nodeBody;
when: [:selection | selection notNil];
andShow: [ :a :node |
self bodyIn: a for: node.
self body2ForCodeIn: a for: node.
self bodyForTransmediaIn: a for: node ].
"... snip"
"Creating a self updatable body pane"
(browser transmit)
from: #tree port: #selection;
to: #nodeBody;
when: [:selection | selection notNil];
andShow: [ :a :node |
self bodyIn: a for: node.
self body2ForCodeIn: a for: node.
self bodyForTransmediaIn: a for: node ].
(browser transmit )
from: #tree port: #selection;
from: #nodeBody port: #text;
when: [:node :text | text notNil & node notNil];
to: #nodeBody port: #neverland;
transformed: [:node :text | node body: text asString].
(browser transmit)
from: #tree;
to: #nodeHeader;
andShow: [ :h | self headerOn: h ].
(browser transmit )
from: #tree port: #selection;
from: #nodeHeader port: #text;
to: #nodeHeader port: #neverland1;
when: [:node :text | text notNil & node notNil];
transformed: [:node :text | node header: text asString]
The last part of the code is responsible for updating the tree contents automatically
The "body2ForCodeIn: for:" [b] is the responsible for showing the playground by
calling a custom browser that is called "panelAsCodeFor:"[c]. Here is their
UI>> body2ForCodeIn: constructor for: aNode
"Shows the body of a selected node as executable code."
aNode tags = 'código'
ifFalse: [ ^self ]
ifTrue: [constructor custom: (self panelAsCodeFor: aNode)].
panelAsCodeFor: aNode
"Shows an interactive playground for Smalltalk code in a node body"
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser title: 'Código'.
browser column: #code.
browser transmit
to: #code;
transformed: [ GTPlayPage new content: aNode body ];
andShow: [ :a | a custom: GTPlayground new ].
browser sendToOutside: #nodeBody from: #code -> #text.
^ browser.
So, wiring by "sendToOutside: from:" is not working and I don't know how to
tell my code browser to autosave its contents as part of the node body where they belong.
Any help with this is appreciated.
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