On 22 Nov 2014, at 18:17, Serge Stinckwich
<serge.stinckwich(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I'm trying to port QuasiQuote package from Lukas Renggli to Pharo 3.0/4.0.
This package use the RBCompiler class from the AST-Compiler package
available here:
If I understand RBCompiler, this is a Compiler that use RB parser nodes.
I guess this is something that is no more relevant with the new Opal compiler ?
Yes, this is the PetitParser based Smalltalk parser that created RB ParseNodes.
Opal has a pluggable architecture for the parser, right now it just uses the hand-written
RB Parser that came with the refactoring browser.
It would be very nice small experiment to plug in the Petitparser based one.
Especially interesting: Would it be much slower?