i just try to use VerveineJ to import Java code in moose and i'm not able to make it
work: first i tried by command line to use VerveineJ to create the mse of LANModel and it
worked. Than i tried to use it with one of my case study and i got:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.
I tried to modify the script verveinej.sh adding the -Xmx2048m option (
JOPT="-Xmx2048m" ) and it still doesn't work.
Than i tried to use the Moose Wizard and again for the LANModel no problem, but when i
tried to import one of my case study i get an error: a message box appear saying that the
output.mse file doesn't exist and it ask me to point to an existing file. Apparently
verveinej just does not create the file because not able to parse the project and the
importer try to go ahead but it does not have any output file from verveinej.
Someone has a similar problem? Am i doing something wrong?