I tried to use SmallDude duplication code and it appeared that belongsTo
(on FAMIXMethod) did not return the correct class if the method is a
class method.
Since I do not know where belongsTo is set, I can't check why it do not
The workaround I did is on FAMIXMethod>>sourceText:
self mooseModel isJava ifTrue: [^''].
self mooseModel isSmalltalk ifTrue: [^(
((self hasClassScope)
ifTrue: [(MSEUtilities smalltalkClassFromFamixClassName: self
belongsTo mooseName) class]
ifFalse: [(MSEUtilities smalltalkClassFromFamixClassName: self
belongsTo mooseName)]
sourceCodeAt: self name) asString].
self mooseModel isPython ifTrue:[
^self pythonASTNode sourceText
It looks ugly but seems to work. I'm not sure it is correct and if
SmallDude will return correct results.
Antoine C.
Antoine Cailliau