Comment #2 on issue 999 by VerveineJ: management of
the anonymous class
Yes and no.
It is true that if a class is contained in a method, VerveineJ considered
it as anonymous and named it anonymous. Such a class is then considered as
anonymous in Famix so everything works fine.
However, (and see issue 998), when a class is contained in an enumeration
(Enum), VerveineJ named it anonymous but it is not considered as such since
the pattern used by VerveineJ and checked in Famix are not the same.
In other terms, if we consider that the container of an anonymous class is
always a method why we don't simplify the isAnonymousClass to:
FAMIXType >>isAnonymousClass
^ self container isMethod
If we consider that such a simplification is not possible, it means that
the container of an anonymous class can be something else than a method and
in that case, it would be great that VerveineJ and Famix follow the same
pattern (otherwise we have some problems like in issue 998).
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