Comment #11 on issue 606 by jannik.l...(a) FAMIXPackage>>methods is
I have not this bug. I use the Moose from Hudson (Apr 30, 2011 9:39:29 PM).
When I load Famix-Core, I have two packages: Famix-Core and
Probably your RPackage is broken.
You are right. We should change that.
So, I summarize what we have to do:
- do not store package for a method that is contained in the same package
of its class. That should be done directly in importers.
- extensionMethods : return methods contained in a package
- localMethods/definedMethods: returns methods contains in classes from the
selected package
- methods that is a union of extensionMethods and localMethods
Now, what is the impact on all our tools ?
Is only SmalltalkImporter concerned by this change ?