Comment #4 on issue 688 by Trait browser
#build3StackerBis dynamic presentation does not work
I have been pondering about this issue for a while now. The way to get your
example to work is by explicitly start the browser with the desired input
(see below). The reason is that the dynamic presentation installs the
browser, but the browser should still trigger the internal transmissions.
The internal transmissions are triggered by changes in the external ports,
but as you install the browser *after* the external ports were set, the
browser does not know about it.
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new column: #stacker; yourself.
browser transmit to: #stacker; andShow: [:c |
c dynamic
display: [:number | |st|
st := GLMStacker new.
st aPane: #all.
st transmit to: #all; andShow: [:a | a text display: ['All ', number
st startOn: number ]].
browser openOn: 10
I tried before to get a default behavior working, but the thing is that we
do not know what ports should be triggered and in what order. So, at the
moment, the way to work with it is by explicitly starting the browser.