Consider a piece of code:
Class MyClass
public String method A()
String a;
In the code above, there is a relationship between the method A and the
return type String. As per my understanding, this relationship is
represented with declaredType in FAMIXBehaviouralEntity.
Currently, this relationship is represented as a simple link (see
FAMIXType>>declaredType) between the two entities but not as a
FAMIXAssociation. Hence, when iterating over all the links/associations
between two entities, we have to specifically take into account this
special case. Currently, MooseChef helps in computing this information but
one should know that there are other links on top of associations:
"Associations + typeDeclaractions"
^ self queryAllIncomingAssociations
addAll: self queryIncomingTypeDeclarations;
Another and more uniform solution would be to modify declaredType by
creating an additional reference. For example, a trivial solution can be:
declaredType: aType
declaredType := FMMultivalueLink on: self
update: #behavioursWithDeclaredType
from: self declaredType
to: aType.
self mooseModel ifNotNil: [self mooseModel add: (FAMIXReference new source:
self; target: self declaredType) ]
This change will be transparent for the current tools.
Please provide your feedback.