He he, much better. I can scroll now :).
Still, I think it is too slow when you scroll or when you select
something. I could not really figure out what the problem is, but it
would be great to get it work properly.
If someone wants to see how slow it can be to select a node in the
matrix, you can reproduce the problem on the ArgoUML 0.28.1 case study
http://themoosebook.org/download/ArgoUML-0-28-1.zip) by running the
code below and select something in the small matrix:
dsm := DSMMatrix new
columns: MooseModel root allModels first allModelNamespaces;
buildWithConfiguration: #configurationForNamespace.
namespaces := ((dsm tarjan stronglyConnectedComponents select: [:each
| each size > 10]) first collect: #model).
dsm2 := DSMMatrix new
columns: namespaces;
buildWithConfiguration: #configurationForNamespace.
view := MOViewRenderer new.
DSMVisualization new
open: dsm2
on: view.
view open.
On 13 May 2010, at 08:49, Laval Jannik wrote:
Hi, no problem in fact.
I forget a line :)
On May 13, 2010, at 08:45 , Laval Jannik wrote:
I use now MOScatterplotLayout (before I use MOGridLayout) for DSM.
A small bug of MOScatterplotLayout is the borderline is black.
You can test it with the latest version of dsm.
Jannik Laval
Moose-dev mailing list
Jannik Laval
Moose-dev mailing list
"It's not how it is, it is how we see it."