Mostly doing prospective work for some potential future R&D project here, I can't
really say more :)
On 30 août 2011, at 11:03, Usman Bhatti wrote:
I worked a bit in the beginning of my holidays on
adding features to Verveinesharp (rigourous testing, LOC and Cyclo, method paramters, lots
of unit tests) ... before i return from my vacations next week, I'll try to add
features for parsing generic types...
On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)>
Angel will be a new postdoc at the UChile. He
will work on modeling check style rule.
I am currently working on a new visualization engine. Mondrian has limited interaction
that cannot do what I wished (e.g., zoom and smooth animation). I will do a release in a
couple of weeks.
It is likely that I will work on the CAnalyzer in the coming weeks.
I would like to have an import of multiple version. Especially from a configuration.
Andre was working on an hismo importer with strategy (like every five days).
We will start to work on a file project: the idea is to only talk to that guy to access,
previous mse files, source code.....
Now it was not making sense to do that without first having FS in pharo to me so now this
is done.
I will go to teach moose at montpellier (even if I'm not the best person) may be I
should sync with jannik.
Andre worked on a xml extension tutorial and I should do a pass on it.
So that we can use it as an example how to extend FAMIX.
Andre and cyrille worked on a dashboard.
When andre is back holidays he will work on the file project and finish the js support
for eyesee
On 29 Aug 2011, at 16:03, Tudor Girba wrote:
There is not enough communication and coordination around Moose these days. Perhaps it is
just the holidays, but I feel a bit lonely working on Moose.
I would be interested in knowing who is working on what these days. Or at least, who
would like to work on what.
"In a world where everything is moving ever faster,
one might have better chances to win by moving slower."
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Alexandre Bergel
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