Hello all,
I sat with Benjamin today to have a look at Glamour performance when
displaying large text files. For reminder, when displaying text in glamour,
the time to display text increases exponentially with the size of the text
being displayed.
Two observations:
1/ Whereas, with the following script the execution time remains equivalent
to that of morphs
MessageTally spyOn: [ (*GLMPluggableTextMorph*
on: [ (StandardFileStream fileNamed: 'testfile-glam-3500.txt') contents ]
text: #value
accept: nil) openInWindow extent: (1273.0(a)738.0) ]
the execution of this script is four times longer:
| browser text|
browser := *GLMTabulator* new.
browser column: #text.
browser transmit to: #text; andShow: [ :a |
a text
title: 'Text with selection';
display: [(StandardFileStream fileNamed: 'testfile-glam-3500.txt')
MessageTally spyOn: [browser openOn: 2].
2/ A bit of digging (using time profiler) shows that the garbage collector
is taking 75% of the execution time. [image: Inline image 1]
Doru, will you have an idea what makes garbage collector execute and take
extra seconds when the text is displayed in a glamour browser instead of
individual glmaour widget?
The moose image with the scripts can be found here if you want to have a
thanx in advance,