The second challenge I mentioned in the mail before is related to outgoing
edges stored for MONodes.
When I create a layout in the following way...
*view nodes: self nodes.*
*view edges: self nodes *
* from: [ :each | each ] *
* toAll: [ :each | each children ].*
* view layout: (MOTreeMapLayoutIncubation withWeightBlock: [ :e | e model
entity numberOfLinesOfCode ]).*
...Everything works as expected. Meaning every MONode has outgoing edges to
its direct children defined.
However, if I construct a layout in the following way...
*view nodes: (self getLevel: 3) "Returns all nodes on a certain level in
the tree"*
* forEach: [ :each |*
* view nodes: each recursiveChildren. "All nodes below given node"*
* view edges: each recursiveChildren "From all nodes to all their direct
* from: [ :node | node ] *
* toAll: [ :node | node children ].*
* view layout: (MOTreeMapLayoutIncubation withWeightBlock: [ :e | e model
entity numberOfLinesOfCode ]).*
* ].*
...So that I have multiple TreeMaps (one for each node on level 3 in the
graph), the MONodes do *not* have outgoing edges defined and thus I can't
render the TreeMap.
Does anyone have an idea what could cause this behavior?