On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 2:34 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
offray(a)riseup.net> wrote:
Thanks Doru,
Surely this is something I will use in my Grafoscopio project and if fact
was a question I was to ask. If fact, what if I want to go to the next
value of the list, not just from a or c to b, but from a to b and from b to
c? How the code must be changed?
Looking at your code my question about ports is clearer. When you say:
andShow: [:v |
v text
populate: #myWantedSelection
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousPlay
entitled: 'Update my wanted selection'
with: [ #b ] ].
v is what kind of object? and "populate:" is defining a new port?
If you want to find answers to questions like this, simply put a halt in
the code :)
"v" is something you named. I just edited your code. "v" will be an
instance of GLMCompositePresentation.
In this part:
browser transmit from: #right port: #myWantedSelection; to: #left port:
what is a port? a piece of interface? for example the selection?
A port is a place where some value is stored and it is ports that get
linked when you create a transmission.
Look here:
A useful way to think of browsers is via a graphical notation. See here
(the little bubble is a port):
> My current question is more about changing the value on the right panel
> and getting it auto-updated in the left one. In another post of this thread
> I have updated my advances and questions.
I do not understand. Is my example not answering your question?
> Thanks,
> Offray
> El 04/12/14 a las 18:50, Tudor Girba
>> If you only want to update the
selection, what you need to do is to:
>> - populate a port in the right pane with the value you want to set as
>> selection, and
>> - create a transmission that links that port with the selection port of
>> the left
>> pane.
>> Here is a working example:
>> To play with it:
>> - select a
>> - then press the play button on the right pane
>> ==> b gets selected in the first pane.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> On Fri, Dec
5, 2014 at 12:20 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> <offray(a)riseup.net <mailto:offray@riseup.net>> wrote:
>> Hi :),
>> Comments inlined below
>> El 04/12/14 a las 09:48, Tudor
Girba escribió:
>> On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 3:35
PM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaihess(a)web.de
>> <mailto:nicolaihess@web.de
>> <mailto:nicolaihess@web.de
<mailto:nicolaihess@web.de>>> wrote:
>> [...]
>> The real problems might
>> - how to access the list, that is used by the left
>> presentation and
>> Why do you need that? You typically need something from that
>> list and if you
>> need that you pass it along in the transmission.
>> Any transmission can have multiple from: clauses specified and
>> in doing
>> so you
>> get the values of those ports in the block.
>> Well I need particular values on the list. So this part is almost
>> solved.
>> - how to access the
selected *index* of the list, so he
>> can do a
>> at:put: on
>> that data
>> That is not possible.
>> For the moment I'm thinking in 'indexOf: value' and then
>> the
>> current selection with "at: put:" using that result. Once I have
>> this two
>> instructions I would like to update the selected value on the list
>> with the
>> current textPresentation value in a similar way to what is done with
>> the
>> Transcript. This is a workaround for the direct writing of values in
>> list/trees inside GT Moose, but I think that this could work. I
>> would make
>> some test about this idea and keep you posted.
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
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