I removed the *export*filtredBy: methods and the related tests.
On 27 Mar 2011, at 00:42, Tudor Girba wrote:
I turned one yellow test into green.
There are still 2 red and 1 yellow that I do not know why they are failing.
This stem from evaluating the following expression. They raise an error:
MooseModel famixCoreMetamodel.
This is actually a problem that we have with building meta-descriptions in the presence
of class extensions. The idea of this method is to return a repository that contains only
FAMIX-Core. However, the problem is that the Pragma reader tries to build all properties,
including the extensions, and this leads to errors. Let's take an example.
- FAMIXFunction is defined in Famix-Core
- FAMIXFunction>>parentModule is defined in Famix-C
- This property has as type FAMIXModule
- FAMIXModule is defined in Famix-C
So, when requesting famixCoreMetamodel, FAMIXModule is not present, but
FAMIXFunction>>parentModule needs it.
The solution is to define proper properties as extensions, too.
In any case, the famixCoreMetamodel does not really belong in MooseModel. We should move
it in the Famix-Specifications.
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
model := MooseModel new.
MooseModel export: model to: stream filtredBy: ImportingContext new
I understand the goal of the filteredBy: methods, but I do not see how they could work.
So, we should remove them.
Cyrille, it looks like you wrote these methods in the context of the Moose-Wizard. Could
you take a look at these and tell us if you still need them?
Are these methods really used? Shall we remove them?
On 26 Mar 2011, at 17:18, admin(a)moosetechnology.org wrote:
Alexandre Bergel
Moose-dev mailing list
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem