Hi Demian,
Thanks for your question. This part of Grapher is not well documented, so no surprise that
you bump into this.
Consider the slightly adapted example. Does this help you?
b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 300 @ 200.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: { { 'value 1'. 2} .
{'value 2' . 2.3} .
{ 'value 3' . 1.2 } }.
ds y: #second.
ds barShape width: 40.
ds histogramWithBarTitle: #first rotation: -45.
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick.
b build.
^ b view
Alexandre Bergel
On Apr 7, 2015, at 6:38 PM, Demian Schkolnik
<demianschkolnik(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all! I want to make a little graph of a vector, with bars:
| b ds labels |
b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 300 @ 200.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: { 2 . 2.3 . 1.2 }.
ds barShape width: 40.
b add: ds.
labels := #(x y z - -).
b axisX numberOfLabels:labels size-1.
b axisX numberOfTicks:labels size-1.
b axisX labelConvertion: [ :item | labels at:item +1].
b build.
^ b view
The code above writes the x 2 times. I just want an x, y and z under each one of the
bars. Also, I havo to do the 'item+1' thing because it somehow starts at 0, and
smalltalk arrays start at 1...
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