andre is on holiday till Wednesday
----- Mail original -----
De: "Tudor Girba"
À: "Moose-related development" <moose-dev(a)>
Envoyé: Dimanche 13 Novembre 2011 21:22:06
Objet: [Moose-dev] Re: Help with VerveineJ
We now have the basic mechanism for loading partial models. But, I
will let Andre answer more details.
Andre, you have the floor :)
On 13 Nov 2011, at 16:12, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
> If I remember Andre did a custom mse loader that can filter entities
> to be loaded.
> Now I will wait for his answer
> In general this is a good idea to extract at maximum level and to
> filter while loading.
> Stef
> On Nov 11, 2011, at 7:43 PM, Santiago Vidal wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I had create several MSE files of different versions of a Java
>> system using VerveineJ. Then, I had tried to load them to the Moose
>> Panel but after load two of them I run out of memory in Moose (The
>> Pharo error is "Space is Low").
>> I had the same problem when loading several versions of Mondrian to
>> Moose Panel. However, we solved it by using the following script
>> (we select only those thing in which we are interested):
>> | mooseModel packages task |
>> #('2.10' '2.13' '2.100') do: [:version |
>> | project |
>> project := (ConfigurationOfMondrian project version:
>> version).
>> [
>> project load.
>> "This is necessary by Moose to properly import"
>> Gofer new
>> url:
>> '';
>> version:
>> 'CollectionExtensions-TudorGirba.29';
>> load.
>> packages := (project packages collect: #name) select:
>> [:p | p beginsWith: 'Mondrian'].
>> mooseModel := MooseModel new.
>> task := MooseSqueakClassCategoryImporterTask new.
>> task importerClass: SmalltalkImporter.
>> task importingContext mergeClassAndMetaclass.
>> task model: mooseModel.
>> task runCandidateOperator.
>> task addFromPackagesNamed: packages.
>> task runWithProgress.
>> mooseModel name: 'Mondrian ', version.
>> mooseModel allMethods do: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
>> mooseModel install.
>> ] on: Error do: [ :ex | self halt. Transcript show: 'cannot
>> load version ', version, ' ', ex printString. ].
>> ]
>> Is there any way to do the same with VerveineJ (that is, reduce the
>> size of the MSE files)? Or is there a way to expand the memory of
>> Moose?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Santiago Vidal
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