Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1097 by nicolaih...(a) Not all shapes support
Some shapes are using the default stroke and/or the default stroke width,
even if the user sets a borderColor/borderWidth
|v ver circle box poly es |
v := RTView new.
ver := (1 to:5)collect:[:i | Point r:100 degrees:(360/5*i)].
circle := RTEllipse new size: 200; color: Color red;
borderWidth:5;borderColor: Color green.
box := RTBox new size: 200; color: Color red; borderWidth:5;borderColor:
Color green.
poly := RTPolygon new size: 200; vertices:ver; color: Color red;
borderWidth:5;borderColor: Color green.
es := circle elementOn:'hello'.
v add: es.
es := box elementOn:'hello'.
v add: es.
es := poly elementOn:'hello'.
v add: es.
v @ RTDraggableView .
RTGridLayout on: v elements.
"all shapes should use the provided borderWidth (5) and borderColor (Green)"
moose build 3147
* Type-Defect
* Component-Roassal2
shapes.png 11.5 KB
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