Hi stef!
I've just seen your mails :)
Temporary, in waiting for your advices, I have put the two disturbing
classes (MooseElementCodeGenerator and MooseElementCodeGEneratorTest) into
As you know, MooseElementCodeGEnerator generates, from an EMF model,
classes that inherit from MooseElement.Therefore,
MooseElementCodeGenerator is associated to Moose.
- If I move MooseElementCodeGenerator into the MooseDevelopment bundle, it
will lead into a problem: indeed, MooseElementCodeGEnerator inherits from
an other class, DomainCodeGenerator. This class is completely associated
to Meta because It uses EMOF-MetaModel package. Nevertheless,
DomainCodeGenerator has absolutly no link with Moose. So, imagine that an
user only needs MooseDeveloppement and not Meta, he will have a bug in
loading the bundle because of MooseElementCodeGenerator.
- If I move these two classes to Meta, as I did previously, it will be a
bit illogical since MooseCodeGenerator is linked to Moose (because It
generates MooseElement class and generates MooseModel class).
Consequently, this solution is not the best
- Finally, the best solution is to create a complete separate bundle.
This bundle should have Meta bundle and MooseDevelopment bundle as
So, tell me what do you think about that.
On 19 août 07, at 11:13, sellossa(a)ensieta.fr wrote:
the stuff is done!
Which solution did you take?
I hope that it will fix the pb :)
Hi Sara,
I saw you added the Ecore code into Meta. I did not have the time to
take a closer look, but I did noticed you have a lot of tests for
your code, and they are all green. That is nice :).
As you probably saw in the previous mail, adding EcoreImportExport to
Meta generated some loading problems when loading 'Moose Config',
because you have two classes that are in SCG.Moose namespace.
However, Meta does not depend on Moose, but Moose depends on Meta.
So, no class in the Meta bundle should be in the Moose namespace.
I see several solutions to fix the problem:
- move the classes to the Meta namespace for now, although they do
not belong there
- move the classes to the MooseDevelopment bundle
- move the classes in a separate bundle that has MooseDevelopment
bundle as prerequisite
Also, please add comments to the versions you are adding, because it
helps us track what is happening.
In any case, I am looking forward to taking a closer look at the
code :).
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the problem in a way that is relevant for the solution."
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