At the moment, there is no supported way to refresh. I will work on
this in 2 weeks time, but until then one possibility would be to
update the #entity port:
browser list
update: #entity on: $x entitled: 'duplicate' with: [ :list :x |
(OrderedCollection withAll: list items) add: list selection; yourself ]
But, could you detail the use case in more details?
On 4 Oct 2009, at 07:51, Laval Jannik wrote:
Hi Doru,
In Glamour,
I would like to update a pane when I add new items in the entry
For example:
"self new test openOn: myCollection"
|browser |
browser := GLMTableLayoutBrowser new.
browser column: #one.
browser showOn: #one; using: [
browser list
display: [:x | x];
act: [:each | myCollection add: each] entitled: 'duplicate';
In the browser, I need an action which update display when I change
the input.
Here, I have an action which add an entity in "myCollection".
How can I update display ?
I tried to use update:on:entitled:with: but it does not work.
Have you a solution ?
Jannik Laval
PhD Student - Rmod Team - INRIA
Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)
"Every thing has its own flow."