Several strange behavior in Roassal on a fresh moose 7.1 image (the
behavior with moose 6.1).
The following script tries to show classes within their packages, with
color according to their numberOfLinesOfCode:
|model v|
model := MooseModel root allModels last.
v := RTMondrian new.
v shape rectangle.
v nodes: (model allModelNamespaces)
forEach: [ :p |
v shape rectangle.
v nodes: p types.
v normalizer
normalizeColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode
using: {Color white . Color black}
min: 0
max: 1000.
v layout grid.
v layout grid.
The result is that package color changes, not class color:
Now let's add the name of the packages (same script but for the 4th line):
|model v|
model := MooseModel root allModels last.
v := RTMondrian new.
v shape rectangle withTextAbove: #mooseName.
v nodes: (model allModelNamespaces)
forEach: [ :p |
v shape rectangle.
v nodes: p types.
v normalizer
normalizeColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode
using: {Color white . Color black}
min: 0
max: 1000.
v layout grid.
v layout grid.
The result is that packages are not colored anymore but package names are :
So the question is:
What's wrong ?
How to have package with text above in black and color of inner class
depending on their numberOfLinesOfCode ?
Nicolas Anquetil
RMod team -- Inria Lille