Hi Manfred,
You just need to have a proper attach point. Consider this slightly modified version:
spaceBetweenLine := 350.
lineHeight := 250.
columns := #(
#('One' 'Two')
#('Ten' 'Eleven' 'Twelve' 'Thirteen'
'Fourteen' 'Fifteen') ).
values := #( #(1 3 4 5 6) #(2 3 5) ).
numberOfColumns := columns size.
columnHeight := columns reduce: [ :c1 :c2 | (c1 size) max: (c2 size) ].
v := RTView new.
label := RTLabel text: [ :t | t ].
label color: (Color red alpha: 0.3).
"draw labels"
setOfElements := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: numberOfColumns do: [ :i | | t labels |
t := OrderedCollection new.
labels := label elementsOn: (columns at: i).
labels doWithIndex: [ :element :index |
t add: element.
element translateTo:
(i * (spaceBetweenLine - 1)) @
(index * lineHeight / columnHeight).
v add: element
setOfElements add: t.
"draw lines"
2 to: numberOfColumns do: [ :column |
values doWithIndex: [ :setOfValues :index |
setOfValues do: [ :toIndex |
lineShape := RTLine new color: (Color red alpha: 0.2).
lineShape attachPoint: RTShorterDistanceAttachPoint new.
line := lineShape
edgeFrom: ((setOfElements at: (column - 1)) at: index)
to: ((setOfElements at: column) at: toIndex).
v add: line
Regarding the multiple columns, give a try first and we will iterate.
Alexandre Bergel
On Jun 5, 2015, at 6:54 AM, Manfred Kröhnert
<mkroehnert42(a)googlemail.com> wrote:
Dear Alexandre,
thanks for your initial version of the script.
As promised, here is the adapted version of what I basically would like to achieve:
spaceBetweenLine := 350.
lineHeight := 250.
columns := #(
#('One' 'Two')
#('Ten' 'Eleven' 'Twelve' 'Thirteen'
'Fourteen' 'Fifteen') ).
values := #( #(1 3 4 5 6) #(2 3 5) ).
numberOfColumns := columns size.
columnHeight := columns reduce: [ :c1 :c2 | (c1 size) max: (c2 size) ].
v := RTView new.
label := RTLabel text: [ :t | t ].
label color: (Color red alpha: 0.3).
"draw labels"
setOfElements := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: numberOfColumns do: [ :i | | t labels |
t := OrderedCollection new.
labels := label elementsOn: (columns at: i).
labels doWithIndex: [ :element :index |
t add: element.
element translateTo:
(i * (spaceBetweenLine - 1)) @
(index * lineHeight / columnHeight).
v add: element
setOfElements add: t.
"draw lines"
2 to: numberOfColumns do: [ :column |
values doWithIndex: [ :setOfValues :index |
setOfValues do: [ :toIndex |
line := (RTLine new color: (Color red alpha: 0.2))
edgeFrom: ((setOfElements at: (column - 1)) at: index)
to: ((setOfElements at: column) at: toIndex).
v add: line
Now it only needs to be made a bit prettier (e.g. starting the lines at the edges of the
label, not in the middle; make it deal correctly with multiple columns; ...).
Thank you very much,
On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 11:01 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com
<mailto:alexandre.bergel@me.com>> wrote:
Ok, let us know!
Alexandre Bergel
http://www.bergel.eu <http://www.bergel.eu/>
On May 4, 2015, at 3:23 PM, Manfred Kröhnert
<mkroehnert42(a)googlemail.com <mailto:mkroehnert42@googlemail.com>> wrote:
Hi Alexandre,
thanks for the fast response and the nice script.
I'll see if I can use it to produce the graph I'd like to have.
On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 5:06 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com
<mailto:alexandre.bergel@me.com>> wrote:
Hi Manfred,
The parallel coordinates is indeed easy to obtain in Roassal.
Here is a short example:
maxValue := 40.
spaceBetweenLine := 50.
lineHeight := 250.
numberOfColumns := 10.
numberOfLines := 200.
values := OrderedCollection new.
numberOfLines timesRepeat: [
t := OrderedCollection new.
numberOfColumns timesRepeat: [ t add: maxValue atRandom ].
values add: t.
v := RTView new.
setOfElements := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: numberOfColumns do: [ :i |
t := OrderedCollection new.
values do: [ :setOfValues |
e := (RTEllipse new color: (Color red alpha: 0.3)) element.
t add: e.
e translateTo:
(i * (spaceBetweenLine - 1)) @
((setOfValues at: i) * lineHeight / maxValue)
v add: e.
setOfElements add: t.
2 to: numberOfColumns do: [ :column |
t := OrderedCollection new.
values doWithIndex: [ :setOfValues :index |
line := (RTLine new color: (Color red alpha: 0.2))
edgeFrom: ((setOfElements at: (column - 1)) at: index) to:
((setOfElements at: column) at: index).
v add: line.
Best would be to define a new builder to allow for easy configuration. It would be easy
to add colors
Alexandre Bergel
http://www.bergel.eu <http://www.bergel.eu/>
> On May 4, 2015, at 5:38 AM, Manfred Kröhnert <mkroehnert42(a)googlemail.com
<mailto:mkroehnert42@googlemail.com>> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> some time ago I saw a diagram consisting of two columns of words and lines showing
associations between the words in both columns.
> It looked similar to the "parallel coordinates" diagram from this link:
<http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~jheer/files/zoo/> but with only two columns.
> Now, I am not sure if I saw this in an email on a Pharo or Moose list and wanted to
ask if it is already possible to create such diagrams with Roassal.
> Thank you very much,
> Manfred
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