If you update Mondrian, the button UML Diag will work. If you do not
want to have the button, then the package OB-Mondrian-Diagrams must
not be loaded.
How did you load Moose? Using PersonalSetting? The method
loadOBMondrianDiagrams load the extension of OB to enable the display
of morphs in the lower pane.
On 2 May 2009, at 21:20, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
I loaded the latest version of Moose and now when I open a normal
package browser (the one of david) I have in addition
Src C. | Sys. Complex | UML diagram raises an error too.
UML diagram raises an error.
how to get rid of the SrcC. Sys.Complexity extra buttons in the
I would like to avoid to have the browser polluted with extra stuff.
I would already love to not have the default button bar since I
never use
variables senders...
BTW these buttons appear in the MooseBrowser but they generate also
DNU there. ;(
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Alexandre Bergel