Cyril a meta remark\
Better define the block as a method so that we can reuse it.
Here is the implémentation of FAMIXFile>>numberOfCharacters
<MSEProperty: #numberOfCharacters type: #Number>
<MSEComment: 'Number of characters in a file.'>
^ self
lookUpPropertyNamed: #numberOfCharacters
computedAs: [
| result |
result := self fileExists
ifTrue: [ self sourceText size - self totalNumberOfLinesOfText + 1 ]
ifFalse: [ 0 ].
result max: 0 ]
I see some problems on this implémentation.
IIUC, we take the size of the source text and we remove 1 for each
line return. This is wrong because in case of CRLF the lines returns
are two characters long.
I think that it would be better to have:
self sourceText lines ifEmpty: [ 0 ] ifNotEmpty: [ :lines | lines sum: #size ]
if lines handles it. Now you should pay attention that the plafform may have a different
concept of lines than the sources (if this has been extracted on Windows and analysed on a
linux server).
But, I do not agree with the fact that we should
remove the lines
returns to the number of characters. They are characters, why should
we remove them?
Indeed curious.
At the end this is really the question of the definition of the “metrics”
I propose this implémentation:
<MSEProperty: #numberOfCharacters type: #Number>
<MSEComment: 'Number of characters in a file.'>
^ self lookUpPropertyNamed: #numberOfCharacters computedAs: [ self
sourceText size ]
This is because #sourceText already manage the case where the file
exist or not.
If I have no complain, I'll do this change.
Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France
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