----- Original Message -----
From: "Stéphane Ducasse" <stephane.ducasse(a)univ-savoie.fr>
Please note
that in FAMIX 2, the property FAMIX.Access.accesses can
not only to structural entities (ie attributes, variables and globals)
alas also to classes or namespaces! Yet another Smalltalk oddity :)
Why oddity?
In java you cannot have a field pointing to a class?
As classes and namespaces are not real objects, you can not access them. You
can store some reflection object describing a class in a field, but that
would then just be a boring write access to a boring field, no cool oddness
happening :)
This will
change in FAMIX 3.0, accesses to classes or namespaces
will be
modeled with a new FAMIX.Reference entity. And FAMIX.Access.accesses
restricted to structural entities only.
will you change the name because I always hated this accesses for non
Yes, will change! the naming will be more consistent.