Thanx Andre.
On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Andre Hora <andrehoraa(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Usman,
As a fast solution, if you are working with a Smalltalk model, you dont
need to load the code in Moose. You can analyze the code directly. For
example, the code below should work:
| packages|
packages := RPackage organizer packages select: [ :each | each name
matches: 'EyeSee'].
onContainers: packages
elements: (packages flatCollect: #classes)
properties: [ :cl | cl authors size > 10] )
render open.
On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti(a)gmail.com>wrote;wrote:
hello all,
I am trying to create a distribution map for a moose model representing
Citezen. Now, for each class, I am trying to color it according to its
authors information. The following script should work for me:
|model packages|
model := (MooseModel root allModels) first.
packages := model allPackages.
(DistributionMap onContainers: packages elements: (model allModelClasses)
properties: [:cl | cl authors > 10] )
However, the method "authors" that I am invoking on cl (a FamixClass) is
not defined by FamixClass but it is described by ClassDescription. Is there
anyway to connect a FamixClass to its corresponding Smalltalk class?
I am thinking of getting the name of the FamixClass and somehow ask pharo
to give me its corresponding Smalltalk class?
Any ideas if that should work?
thanx in advance,
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Andre Hora
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