I like your spirit :)
and this is great to see your questions.
On Nov 3, 2010, at 1:04 PM, Benjamin wrote:
hello, there still are things I do not understand in
your examples, and I hope you could help me because I really want to understand how
Glamour works ^^
When you write :
t1 transmit to: #three;
from: #one -> #selectionPath;
what happen ?
Because I have looked for implementors of selectionPath, put a self halt in each of them,
run your browser, but no halt has been thrown, so I'm confused (again).
Moreover, I now know how to show a list, and how to pass the selected items from the list
to another column/row, but I wonder how to use the selected item as a parameter for a
method and how to get the answer of this method back to be used in another part.
I keep hope to understand how it works ^^
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