Well, you can always stack up elements. Consider this example and its cool animation:
| v shape elements |
v := RTView new.
shape := RTEllipse new color: (Color purple alpha: 0.1); size: #yourself.
elements := shape elementsOn: (1 to: 100 by: 10).
v addAll: elements.
v canvas addMenu: 'Right!' callback: [ elements do: [ :e | RTLinearMove new to: e
model @ 0 during: 1 on: e in: v ] ].
v canvas addMenu: 'Left!' callback: [ elements do: [ :e | RTLinearMove new to: e
model negated @ 0 during: 1 on: e in: v ] ].
v canvas addMenu: 'Up!' callback: [ elements do: [ :e | RTLinearMove new to: 0 @
e model negated during: 1 on: e in: v ] ].
v canvas addMenu: 'Down!' callback: [ elements do: [ :e | RTLinearMove new to: 0
@ e model during: 1 on: e in: v ] ].
The problem that remains open is how to have other shapes than a simple circle, label,
box, or svg path for an element.
On Apr 28, 2014, at 9:21 AM, Ben Coman <btc(a)openInWorld.com> wrote:
At first glance that seems a little restrictive. I
immediately think of trying to make a bulleye target as a composite of concentric circles
of different sizes. Though I can't think of any other examples off hand.
cheers -ben
Alexandre Bergel