Comment #1 on issue 574 by alexandr...(a) Nodes with complex shapes
do not position the children nodes with complex shapes properly
I reproduced this situation without #umlClass:
view shape
form: [:b | b column; fill; row; fill; row; fill; row; fill.
b x:1 y:1 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 80; height: 50).
b x:1 y:2 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 80; height: 100) ].
view node: 'outter node' forIt: [
view shape
form: [:b | b column; fill; row; fill; row; fill; row; fill.
b x:1 y:1 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 20; height: 30).
b x:1 y:2 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 20; height: 50) ].
view node: 'hello world']
But what the result is supposed to be? Since in the shape of 'outter node'
there is no children shape, I suspect this example is ill conceived. Should
the inner node be located in the upper or in the lower part?
Will the inner node be in (1,2) If the shape of the outter node is: ??
view shape
form: [:b | b column; fill; row; fill; row; fill; row; fill.
b x:1 y:1 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 80; height: 50).
b x:1 y:2 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 80; height: 100).
b x:1 y:2 add: (MOChildrenShape new) ].
This does not work for now, so this is a bug. But before fixing it, I would
like to be sure of the semantic on FormsBuilder. In general, I have the
impression that many point are not clear in its semantics. This is why it
is so buggy.