For a long time I have had the code below linking Magritte-Roassal.
Originally I had expected ":view" to hold aROView, and it was a surprise
when I found out held aROMondrianViewBuilder instead.
While it makes sense to have had a drop in replacement for the
Magritte-Mondrian, and it is simple to get the ROView from the
ROMondrianBuilder, it feels inelegant to have to do this each time.
browser transmit
from: #pane1
to: #pane2
[ :a |
a roassal
title: 'Instance Model Full View';
[ :view :selection | | rawView |
rawView := view raw.
Looking in from outside and considering long term broadening use of
Roassal outside of Mondrian, it would "feel" better if ...
andShow: [ :a | a roassal....
passed aROView as a parameter to #painting, and the Mondrian drop-in
replacement to be something like ...
andShow: [ :a | a roassalMondrian
andShow: [ :a | a roMondrian
andShow: [ :a | a mondrianBuilder
which passed aROMondrianBuilder.
cheers -ben