I gave it a try on VerveineJ:
- repo: svn://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/verveinej/verveine.extractor.java
- start revision: 1
- end revision: 122
- no login
- with diffs
It worked in some minutes (there is no progress bar for the moment).
After it loaded, I clicked on the new KMPProjectHistory and then I selected the Change
browser. You can see it in the attached browser. Pretty cool :)
On 10 Apr 2011, at 22:57, Tudor Girba wrote:
Great news, Matt!
I will give it a try right away.
Thanks a lot for all this effort,
On 10 Apr 2011, at 22:18, Matthias Junker wrote:
i would like to announce the first release of Kumpel for Moose. Kumpel
is a tool for exploring the history of a software system. The history
data can be extracted from any Subversion repository.
It uses Java KumpelProjectLoader to connect to a repository using the
subversion client library svnkit. The model is based on Hismo and
therefore histories and versions are modeled as first class entities.
Kumpel was originally called YellowSubmarine and was developed for
Visualworks and now ported to Pharo. The performance of loading a
model was much improved compared to the Visualworks version.
You can find more information here:
I'm glad about any kind of feedback. If there are any questions, don't
hesitate to send them to me or the Moose mailing list.
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"Being happy is a matter of choice."