Hi Alexandre,
El 12/02/15 a las 10:40, Alexandre Bergel escribió:
Hi Offray!!
This is impressive!
Thanks. Is my way to give something back to the community for all the
impressive work all of you have done and keep doing. As I have said, is
my first project and object program beyond Etoys/BotsInc, so there is a
lot or rough edges and rookie code every where, but I really like what
I'm learning here and the way Pharo/Smalltalk technology and community
empowers me to express/explore ideas.
How did you get the text by the way? This is indeed
very useful!
Well it was by the ancient technique of cut and paste :-P. We could have
a more automated technique, but reading what we're cutting and give it
structure is a good exercise to be done by a person when is learning,
and this document started to take form The Indie web science workshops
we made in our local hackerspace. We have also other grafoscopio
interactive documents for the ProfStef tutorial and once we restart our
workshops this year we hope to update the documents with this new
On a side note. I have not yet decided the license for the book. Having it on lulu is
indeed appealing. However, it is likely that we go via a specialized publisher. Morgan
Kaufman or Apress maybe. Looks like to be better in order to go beyond the Pharo
There is a full ecosystem of licenses. Following the Kleiner's
classification there are the classic copyright, the copy just right
(most of the creative commons licenses) the copyleft (cc-by-sa) and the
copy-far-left (p2p license). I think that the cc-by-sa, which is the
same of the Pharo by example books could be a good deal with publishers,
but maybe they will ask for some cc license with non-commercial
distribution (:-/). Anyway, hopefully the license you choose will
empower the community and let it to create derivative works (we have
some Spanish translations and apprentice notes for the Agile
Visualization book). Let me know what license you choose, and under
which conditions me and our small group can create derivative works from