Hello Johan,
Thanks for the information. That looks exactly what I was looking for.
I see that this is current for Pharo 4.x. Is this also the default UI
builder in 5.x?
I am in the middle of the video right. It has been very helpful.
I will proceed through the video, the draft chapter and study the code.
I look forward to learning this. The UI I need is as you described in
the video, boring.
Thanks again.
On 09/24/2015 06:28 PM, Johan Fabry wrote:
Jimmie, it looks like what you want to do here is
build a standard user interface so actually what you want to do is to use Spec. Below are
some pointers from a mail of Sven VC of some time ago. Note that you can now also
integrate GT presentations as widgets inside a Spec UI, in case you want to reuse e.g. the
GTInspector inside your UI.
Here is a guide to documentation about Spec, most recent first.
There is an excellent presentation by Johan Fabry did during the last Pharo Days,
'Using Spec to Build a UI'. *MUST WATCH* (the video is not yet fully public, but
soon will be, the link should work though):
The slides are also not yet available, but soon will be (the talk is much better that the
slides on their own).
This draft chapter 'Spec: a framework for describing user interfaces' for an
upcoming book:
Look in the image.
Browse the hierarchy below AbstractWidgetModel in the category Spec-Core-Widgets in Pharo
4, look at the protocols called 'protocol' & 'protocol-events' mainly.
Look for references to each class. Trace senders of methods until you arrive at examples.
Study the examples, play with them, change them.
The UI of most tools in Pharo is also implemented using Spec. Browse the hierarchy below
ComposableModel to find them. (Komitter, Versionner, Critics, Metacello, the old Eye
Inspectors, ..). Watch and learn.
On Sep 24, 2015, at 18:55, Jimmie Houchin
<jlhouchin(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Okay, with that definition of class model. That is already done. This database, and I am
using that term loosely is all in the image, in object collections. It will only contain a
few 100 or 1000 items. I don't see a need at the moment to involve MongoDB or some
other outside source. I will have an export/import mechanism for data safety.
There at the moment is no data because there is no data entry that my wife can use. Which
is why I am inquiring so that I can begin to build her a UI to begin data entry.
Yes, I understand there could be much trial and error in building the UI. For me for this
personal project, I am okay with that. I count that as part of my education. Along with
any other of the many mistakes that I make that I can encounter.
I am fully aware that I will potentially do my fair share of stupid while learning. The
only cost here is my time. I am okay with that price. Hopefully at some point I will get
So with that said, any pointers to building a data entry UI.
Labels, fields, combobox, buttons, ...
I could do this in a web form without to much problem. Which was somewhat I was exploring
in my Pier question. But I thought I would give learning UI building in Pharo a try. It
seems that GT is where UI things are moving. Just a perception. I could be wrong. If
possible I prefer going with the future as opposed to legacy at this point.
And ultimately I might end up going with a web ui, client server setup. But I would still
like to know my in image UI options and where to learn. I have other projects I want to
Thanks for engaging in the conversation. I appreciate your time and understanding.
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Johan Fabry -
PLEIAD and RyCh labs - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile