so what do we do?
I lost two hours and now I imagine that it may work if I redo it from scratch.
Now I have no idea of the implication for moose.
Luckily messana is dead so our magritte use is limited.
On Apr 9, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Stef,
Indeed, the change is due to Magritte 3 now using instance side annotations. The Metanool
code still works for the regular annotations (so, if you have an annotation it will show
in the form), but when asking for the annotations of the annotations, it seems that
something is broken. But, I do not know what :(.
On 9 Apr 2012, at 11:51, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
build: anObject
| selectors container description |
self halt.
selectors := anObject class allSelectors select: [ :each | each isDescriptionSelector
selectors -> an IdentitySet(#descriptionContainer #descriptionType #descriptionName)
sounds good.
container := self build: anObject for: self containerSelector in: selectors.
^ (selectors select: [ :each | each isDescriptionDefinition ])
inject: (cache at: anObject put: container)
into: [ :result :each |
self containerSelector = each ifFalse: [
description := self build: anObject for: each in: selectors.
description isDescription
ifTrue: [ result add: description ] ].
result ]
buildDescriptions: anObject
| descriptionExtensions descriptionSelectors |
descriptionSelectors := self uniqueDescriptionSelectors: anObject.
descriptionSelectors -> Set() :(
descriptionExtensions := self descriptionExtensions: anObject.
^ (descriptionSelectors
collect: [ :each |
| description |
description := anObject perform: each.
description notNil ifTrue: [
descriptionExtensions at: each ifPresent: [ :extensions |
extensions do: [ :extensionSelector |
description := anObject perform: extensionSelector with: description ] ] ].
description ])
select: #notNil.
So apparently in magritte now we should use <magritteDescription> so I'm
writing a little test and changed FM3Element and FM3Property but it does not work :(
allNamed: MAPragmaBuilder magritteDescriptionPragma
from: FM3Element to: Object.
does not return the methods with the annotations.
I'm getting there.
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