On May 7, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
Stef, you told us to load #stable and this is what we
are loading, and currently #stable loads '1.0'.
ok good then
That is why I asked on the Pharo mailing list if 3.0
is stable, so that #stable should point to it rather than to '1.0'.
ah ok yes I think that it is more stable
If you want this versioning scheme to work, you have
to take into account the energy to maintain the configuration. Otherwise, feedback will
always be out of date, and the dialog not very constructive.
Yes I maintain it do not worry.
However, I did some more tests and it seems that some desynchronization appears in 3.0 as
well, only I do not know how to reproduce the problem because I do not know where it comes
I would like to know that too.
Cyrille, could you detail your finding for
documentation purpose?
On 7 May 2011, at 11:49, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
I do not get it.
Don't you use the 3.0 version?
Because I do not know what is the 1.0 especially since you loaded latest so this measn
that I have no clue
what version is really loaded and I will not have a look because I cannot spend time
reverse engineer
working set of packages.
We started to sync with cyrille yesterday and I will merge his changes and produce a new
3.0 and a stable tag.
So that people can load stable and we can continue to work on the integration.
On May 7, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
The issue is that the Organizer gets out of sync.
I do not know when, but I saw it happening. It is what I sent to the pharo mailing list:
ConfigurationOfRPackage 1.0 seems to go out of sync with the image after a while. For
example, download the following Moose image:
and try
RPackage organizer packageNamed: 'Famix-Core'
On 7 May 2011, at 11:15, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
On May 6, 2011, at 3:25 PM, jannik.laval wrote:
> Hi,
> I think to have a bug with RPackage.
> I used MooseScripts>>createModelForMoose.
> This method works fine.
> then I removed 3 methods useless for Moose (see issue 614)
> When I rerun MooseScripts>>createModelForMoose, there is an error key not
> The cache of RPackage is not updated.
what cache?
> Any solution ?
> Jannik
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