Hello Alex,
After one hour of intensive debugging, I found the bug :) It is linked to
the return in blocks. The fix will be not trivial. I'll try to do this today
but I don't promise anything.
Frédéric Pluquet
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre(a)bergel.eu>wrote;wrote:
Hi Roel!
I hope you're fine. I tried to use RoelTyper to have more accurate method
invocations in Moose.
I use Mondrian as my case study.
I tried in a workspace
(TypeCollector typeInstvar: #shape ofClass: MOGraphElement ) types
=> an OrderedCollection(SmallInteger)
This is surprising since I expect #shape to reference to an instance of a
subtype of MOShape.
I did:
(TypeCollector typeInstvar: #shape ofClass: MOGraphElement ) interface
=> an IdentitySet(#shapeBoundsAt:ifPresent: #computeBoundsFor: #isCached
#copy #defaultBounds #absoluteBoundsFor: #extentFor: #apply:bounds:
#shapeBoundsAt:ifPresent:, #computeBoundsFor: are defined in MOShape and
not SmallInteger.
I probably miss something obvious here...
Alexandre Bergel