I am working on migrating the code from Squeaksource
to SmalltalkHub.
Stef, the script you gave raises an error time to times. It happens in the method:
readStreamForFileNamed: aString do: aBlock
| client |
self displayProgress: 'Downloading ', aString during: [
(client := self httpClient)
ifFail: [ :exception | self error: 'Could not load ', aString, ': ',
exception printString ];
get: (self urlForFileNamed: aString).
self assertBinaryResponse: client response.
"immediately cache the version and avoid an unnecessary serialization"
self cacheRawVersionNamed: aString stream: client contents ].
^ aBlock value: client contents readStream
apparently "self httpClient" returns a number, which is not understood by
Am I the only one to experience this problem?
Never and I migrated many projects.
May be you have a strange file on your repo.