Could not figure out what it means.
The visualization focuses on the class MORectangleShape. The class is ranked #18 against
the numberOfAttributes metric. The circle's gray intensity is shows the difference
between other classes. The class MOBoundedShape has much more attributes than other
----- Mail original -----
De: "Alexandre Bergel"
À: "Moose-related development" <moose-dev(a)>
Envoyé: Lundi 27 Juin 2011 23:37:58
Objet: [Moose-dev] Visual indicator
I found this indicator in a magazine and I kind of like it, even if I
am not sure how useful it is in practice :-)
"Visual indicator"
| element allElements metrics shape normalizer |
metrics := {#numberOfAttributes . #numberOfMethods .
#numberOfAttributesInherited . #numberOfMethodsInherited}.
element := MORectangleShape.
allElements := MOShape withAllSubclasses sortedAs: #name.
view shape rectangle withoutBorder.
view nodes: metrics forEach: [ :selector |
| t index |
t := (allElements sortedAs: selector) reverse.
view shape label fontColor: Color red.
view interaction forwarder.
view node: selector.
index := (t indexOf: element).
"The first three elements"
view shape rectangle withoutBorder.
view interaction forwarder.
"Color of the circle"
normalizer := MONColorLinearNormalizer
inContext: t
withCommand: [:v | v perform: selector]
lowColor: Color veryLightGray
highColor: Color black.
view node: selector forIt: [
(t copyFrom: 1 to: (4 min: index) - 1) do: [:c |
view shape rectangle withoutBorder.
view node: (c perform: selector) forIt: [
view shape ellipse size: 10; withoutBorder;
fillColor: normalizer.
view interaction forwarder.
view node: c.
view shape label.
view node: (t indexOf: c) printString, '.', c name.
view verticalLineLayout gapSize: 0.
] ].
"The remaining"
view shape rectangle withoutBorder.
view node: selector forIt: [
(t copyFrom: 4 to: index - 1) do: [:c |
view shape ellipse size: 10; withoutBorder;
fillColor: normalizer.
view node: c.
view shape ellipse size: 10; fillColor: Color red; withoutBorder.
view node: element.
view shape label.
view node: index printString, '.', element printString.
view gridLayout
view verticalLineLayout gapSize: 0
view horizontalLineLayout gapSize: 20.
Alexandre Bergel
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Alexandre Bergel