Comment #6 on issue 842 by google....(a) ROTranslatingShape
mouse hotspot mis-alignment
Perhaps we need to be able to arrange the
ROChildrenShape into the middle
of the shape-chain.
Following on from this, thought I would float the idea of considering
ROChildrenShape as reference layer 0, then the current "plus sign" could be
considered to be adding shapes layered above ROChildrenShape, while the
a "minus sign" might be used to add shapes layered below ROChildrenShape
(or the opposite orientation).
So then you might have a script like...
| rawView outer |
rawView := ROView new.
outer := (ROElement spriteOn: 'outer') - (ROCircle new color: (Color
lightGreen alpha: 0.95)) + ROTranslateShape + ROLabel.
1 to: 4 do: [ :n| outer add: (ROElement spriteOn: n)].
ROGridLayout on: outer elements.
rawView add: outer.
rawView open.
where the circle is drawn under the children elements, then the child
elements are drawn, then the translation is applied to the label drawn on
btw, what are the issues with each shape having its own offset initialized
to 0@0, or using bounds rather than extent, where the origin could go