On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 4:31 AM, Martin Dias <tinchodias(a)> wrote:
I'm looking to improve current implementation, and maybe you can help me.
The current procedure is based in a custom serialization of each
MooseElement. It's inspired on MSE, I describe this with the following
serialize: aMooseElement
(MooseModel meta descriptionOf: aMooseElement class) allAttributes
do: [ :anAttribute |
| values |
values := anAttribute getFrom: aMooseElement.
(self shouldIgnore: anAttribute withAll: values)
ifFalse: [ self serialize: anAttribute withAll: values ] ].
shouldIgnore: anAttribute withAll: values
^ values isEmpty or: [
anAttribute isDerived or: [
anAttribute type == FM3MetaDescription boolean and: [
values size == 1 and: [
values first == false ]]]]
The advantage of serializing the MooseElements in this way (and not just
as a normal object) is to avoid storing unnecessary stuff that
aMooseElement references.
It's a disadvantage using FM3PropertyDescription>>getFrom: (and then to
import, FM3PropertyDescription>>setOn:values:) which ends sending #perform:
of the corresponding accessor selector. It'd be better to use #instVarAt:
(and #instVarAt:put:) as Fuel normally does.
I hope I've been clear enough to explain up to this point. Now my
Do you think Fuel can do something on each MooseElement like
- clean up some unnecessary references
- declare some instance variables as transient
- if it's not good idea to modify the elements, create a method like
MooseElement>>copyWithoutDerivedValues, and so actually serialize such copy
instead of the original element
- any other
and thus, serialize the MooseElements as normal Fuel objects, removing the
custom procedure.
I'll be happy to receive some help from Moose and Fame experts!
Thanks in advance.
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