I would like to make more explicit what Moose is and how it is different
than what you can find in the analysis tools space.
I wrote a recent post that takes a quick tour around Moose:
With this occasion, I am putting forward a new tagline to capture Moose's
"Custom analyses made easy"
Being different is nice, but it is also a challenge given that we need to
educate the audience that looks at Moose. That is why we need to present
Moose more aggressively. And this is why having a more clear web presence
is important at this point. As I said before, I hope to get a bit of help
from you to reshape the current webpage.
Perhaps you will notice that this message also matches the prerequisite for
making humane assessment (
http://humane-assessment.com): bringing the cost
of analysis tools close to zero. That is because humane assessment actually
promotes Moose, and I think we should use the synergies between the
"process" world and the tool world.
Now it's your turn.
- First, please let me know what you think. Is it clear what I mean? Do you
have a different opinion?
- Second, I would kindly ask you to send stories of using Moose. Alex
started to do this recently, and this is great. You can also see some
examples on the humane assessment blog. It would be great to have these use
cases described. Examples are the best teachers.
"Every thing has its own flow"