Hi Hernán,
Your code is now in Roassal. Thanks!
Alexandre Bergel
On Sep 1, 2018, at 2:31 AM, Hernán Morales Durand
<hernan.morales(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Alex,
I didn't posted yet because my workaround is unfinished, it needs more
work, but is a start (didn't tested for other cases, etc).
Note that it works connecting multiple edges:
| view shapes myElems |
view := RTView new.
myElems := 1 to: 7.
shapes := RTCompositeShape new
add: (RTText new text: 'Long text message');
add: (RTSVGPath new
path: 'm 3.96875,9.2604167 h 31.75 V 25.135417 C 22.489583,23.8125
17.197917,34.395833 3.96875,27.78125 Z';
fillColor: Color red;
borderColor: Color black;
borderWidth: 1.2;
scale: 1.4);
elementsOn: myElems.
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: view;
shape: (RTArrowedLine new
color: Color white;
elements: shapes;
connectFrom: 2 to: 4;
connectFrom: 2 to: 5;
connectFrom: 2 to: 7;
connectFrom: 1 to: 2;
connectFrom: 3 to: 2;
connectFrom: 6 to: 2.
RTTreeLayout new
verticalGap: 30;
horizontalGap: 30;
applyOn: shapes.
view addAll: shapes.
view inspect.
But it doesn't work for connecting two composites:
| view shapes myElems |
view := RTView new.
view @ RTDraggableView.
myElems := 1 to: 2.
shapes := RTCompositeShape new
add: (RTLabel new text: 'Test');
add: (RTSVGPath new
path: 'm 3.96875,9.2604167 h 31.75 V 25.135417 C
22.489583,23.8125 17.197917,34.395833 3.96875,27.78125 Z';
fillColor: Color red;
borderColor: Color black;
borderWidth: 1.2;
scale: 1.4);
elementsOn: myElems.
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: view;
shape: (RTArrowedLine new
color: Color white;
elements: shapes;
connectFrom: 1 to: 2.
RTTreeLayout new
verticalGap: 30;
horizontalGap: 10;
applyOn: shapes.
view addAll: shapes.
view inspect.
Doing some experiments the following frightening modification aligns
the two labeled composites, obviously destroying all other cases:
> alignFromCenterUsing: anElement
topX newX topY newY |
topX := anElement encompassingRectangle center x.
topY := anElement encompassingRectangle center y.
elements do: [ :s |
newX := topX + (s encompassingRectangle width / 2).
newY := topY + (s encompassingRectangle height / 2).
(s isKindOf: TRLabelShape)
ifTrue: [ s translateTo: newX @ newY ]
ifFalse: [ s translateTo: (topX / 2) @ (newY) ]
I would love to have more time to learn RTAlignment, but unfortunately
I'm on a deadline.
You may find the coded attached to this mail.
2018-08-31 22:03 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>om>:
Just to make sure I have not missed anything. You told me on discord that you fixed the
problem, don’t you? What is your solution?
On Aug 29, 2018, at 10:35 PM, Hernán Morales
Durand <hernan.morales(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Alex,
My problem using labeled elements is that adding another box, labeled text gets
| view shapes myElems |
view := RTView new.
myElems := 1 to: 3.
shapes := (RTSVGPath new
path: 'm 3.96875,9.2604167 h 31.75 V 25.135417 C 22.489583,23.8125
17.197917,34.395833 3.96875,27.78125 Z';
fillColor: Color red;
borderColor: Color black;
borderWidth: 1.2;
scale: 1.4) elementsOn: myElems.
view addAll: shapes.
shapes @ (RTLabeled new text: 'Long text message').
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: view;
shape: (RTArrowedLine new
color: Color black;
elements: shapes;
connectFrom: 1 to: 3.
RTTreeLayout new
verticalGap: 30;
horizontalGap: 30;
applyOn: shapes.
view inspect.
Maybe another suggestion?
2018-08-29 22:09 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>om>:
An easy thing to do, is to make the elements labeled. Which is different than creating a
composite shape (I can detail why there are two ways to label elements).
| view shapes myElems |
view := RTView new.
myElems := 1 to: 2.
shapes := (RTSVGPath new
path: 'm 3.96875,9.2604167 h 31.75 V 25.135417 C 22.489583,23.8125
17.197917,34.395833 3.96875,27.78125 Z';
fillColor: Color red;
borderColor: Color black;
borderWidth: 1.2;
scale: 1.4) elementsOn: myElems.
view addAll: shapes.
shapes @ (RTLabeled new text: 'hello').
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: view;
shape: (RTArrowedLine new
color: Color black;
elements: shapes;
connectFrom: 1 to: 2.
RTTreeLayout new
verticalGap: 30;
horizontalGap: 30;
applyOn: shapes.
view inspect.
Here is the result
<Screenshot 2018-08-28 15.32.19.png>
On Aug 23, 2018, at 2:31 PM, Hernán Morales
Durand <hernan.morales(a)gmail.com> wrote:
When connecting two composite shapes with RTEdgeBuilder, the connector
position loose its center over the connecting shapes.
It's easier to explain with two scripts:
This one looks good, the connector (RTArrowedLine) is centered:
| view shapes myElems |
view := RTView new.
myElems := 1 to: 2.
shapes := (RTSVGPath new
path: 'm 3.96875,9.2604167 h 31.75 V 25.135417 C 22.489583,23.8125
17.197917,34.395833 3.96875,27.78125 Z';
fillColor: Color red;
borderColor: Color black;
borderWidth: 1.2;
scale: 1.4) elementsOn: myElems.
view addAll: shapes.
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: view;
shape: (RTArrowedLine new
color: Color white;
elements: shapes;
connectFrom: 1 to: 2.
RTTreeLayout new
verticalGap: 30;
horizontalGap: 30;
applyOn: shapes.
view inspect.
However when adding a label in a composite, both label and arrow looks shifted:
| view shape shapes myElems |
view := RTView new.
myElems := 1 to: 2.
shape := RTCompositeShape new
add: (RTLabel new text: 'Test');
add: (RTSVGPath new
path: 'm 3.96875,9.2604167 h 31.75 V 25.135417 C
22.489583,23.8125 17.197917,34.395833 3.96875,27.78125 Z';
fillColor: Color red;
borderColor: Color black;
borderWidth: 1.2;
scale: 1.4);
shapes := shape elementsOn: myElems.
view addAll: shapes.
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: view;
shape: (RTArrowedLine new
color: Color white;
elements: shapes;
connectFrom: 1 to: 2.
RTTreeLayout new
verticalGap: 30;
horizontalGap: 30;
applyOn: shapes.
view inspect.
Any idea how to align these shapes?
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