Comment #2 on issue 1099 by update visible list
items on selection
As per my understanding, PaginatedMorphTreeMorph can have two modes of
expansion: incremental mode or scroll to the page of selected element(s).
Incremental mode expands the list up to the selected item. Paged mode shows
a fixed number of elements on each page and jump to a specific page item
selected. To see it working, execute script below:
| treeMorph aWindow aModel |
aModel := PaginatedMorphTreeModel new rootItems: (1 to: 100) asArray.
aWindow := aModel theme newWindowIn: World for: aModel title: 'test'.
treeMorph := aModel defaultTreeMorph.
treeMorph pageSize: 30.
treeMorph buildContents.
aWindow addMorph: treeMorph fullFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (0 @ 0
corner: 1 @ 1) offsets: (0 @ 0 corner: 0 @ 0)).
aWindow open.
aModel expandItemPath: {50}.
Glamour chooses the incremental mode and effectively this mode is not
adapted for 100K items. In my opinion, we should use paged mode and it
should not require drastic changes to the current tree model in Glamour.
As for the bug, the solution will be that the model needs to do
expandItemPath: when a selection is made and update list. And I should
provide a fix once we find an agreement on the selection display mode.
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