I am trying to set the background color of the StringMorph that
represents the label & value of the description.
From looking at MADescription>>morphColor
^ self propertyAt: #morphColor ifAbsent: [ self class
defaultMorphColor ]
I thought I might go like "THIS LINE" below...
| container |
container := MAContainer new.
container add: (MAStringDescription new
accessor: #emptyString ;
label: 'Equipment123456789' ;
beReadonly ;
propertyAt: #morphColor put: Color white;
"more deleted"
^ container
but "THIS LINE" has no effect. Digging in further, it appears that
MADescriptionMorph>>defaultBackgroundColor is the only sender of
but then there are no senders of #defaultBackgroundColor.
What is the correct way to go about changing the background color of the
description's morph?
cheers -ben
btw, What I am trying to create a separator label between several groups
of descriptions as shown in the attached image.