Yes please go ahead.
On Jun 11, 2013, at 4:49 PM, Sebastian Tleye <stleye(a)> wrote:
I don't know, i should see the implementation, i
just want to remove the dependency between CollectionsExtensions and Nile and one way to
do it is modifying #flatCollect: implementation.
if they are the same #flatCollect: could be remove safely replaced.
2013/6/11 Camille Teruel <camille.teruel(a)>
On 11 juin 2013, at 15:18, Sebastian Tleye wrote:
Fixing some bugs in Traits we realized that it would be good idea to use
CollectionsExtensions package (it has some useful functions), also it would be great to
include CollectionsExtensions in Pharo 3.0.
One "problem" we found is that CollectionsExtensions is depending on a Nile
Package (that's not a desired feature).
In the method Collection>>flatCollect: there is a line refering to a nile function
How this #flatCollect: is different from #gather: anyway?
If i change "nsWriteStream" for "writeStream" the dependency
I also run all the tests and they are working, so i was wondering if it would be possible
to commit the change.