I'm trying to visualize hierarchies that include Java interfaces, but I'm
very new to Moose/Pharao/Mondrian. I'm using the sample MSE data for ArgoUML
described in the book at
I'm confused because when I browse in the Moose Panel to "All famixclasses"
and then a class, e.g., org::argouml::uml::ui::DefaultPredicate that
implements an interface, e.g., org::argouml::application::api::Predicate, I
can see it has an "All superclasses" list. However, when I inspect the
FAMIXClass, I can only see "superclass" as an available variable.
The sample code below works, but only shows one "superclass" link (and thus
none of the interfaces, which are Green appear to be linked). I'd like to
have it show links to all superclasses (including the interfaces) as well.
In short, how does one map these "All x" things seen in the Moose Panel
browser to the variables/methods in the FAMIXClass? My apologies if this is
really obvious and I missed it somehow.
Here's the sample code adapted from the RTMondrianExample class in Moose
Suite 6.0 under Windows. I restrict the classes to only those truly in
| b |
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle
size: 30;
color: [ :cls | cls isInterface ifTrue: Color green ifFalse: Color
b nodes: (MooseModel root allModels first allClasses select:
[ :each | (each container name beginsWith:'org::argouml')]).
b shape arrowedLine color: Color black; withShorterDistanceAttachPoint.
b edges connectTo: #superclass.
b layout force charge: -500; nbIterations: 50.
b build.
^ b view
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