Dear all,
Stephane sent us a couple of weeks ago (months?) MSE files and we
started to implement a parser to read these files and instantiate a
model of the systems described in the files conform to our meta-model,
PADL (similar to UML, FAMIX...) but developed in-house.
We have some questions regarding the content of the files... I deeply
apologise if these questions are already answered (or obvious), if so
could you please give us the appropriate pointers?
- what means "(stub false)" in "FAMIX.InheritanceDefinition" and
- what are "FAMIX.Access"?
- what is the difference/similarity of "(candidate (idref: 37))" and
"(invokes 'yourself()')" in a "FAMIX.Invocation"?
- what to do when there is no "(receivingVariable (idref: 24))" in a
- what means "(hasClassScope false)" in a "FAMIX.Attribute"?
- what is a "FAMIX.FormalParameter" and are they referenced in
- what is a "FAMIX.LocalVariable" and are they references in
All the best,
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc
Ph.D. et ing. jr. / Ph.D. and jr. eng.
Professeur adjoint / Assistant professor
DIRO, Université de Montréal 1-514-343-6782 (Téléphone / Phone)
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-Ville 1-514-343-5834 (Télécopie / Fax)
Montréal, QC, H3C 3J7, Canada