On 1 Apr 2010, at 17:13, Simon Denier wrote:
Since we are discussing about way to report analysis, is there some
plan to port and use metanool? As far I understand this tool, its
goal is to add arbitrary information in a model, which could be used
by reporting tools.
Lukas and me started last year during a train ride to implement a
Metanool by simply providing a mapping between Fame and Magritte. This
part works now. The thing left is to allow to add new properties at
runtime. I am working on that.
For example, if you load Metanool in a Moose image:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Metanool';
package: 'Metanool';
you could try:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser addStatusbar.
browser column: #entities; column: #editor.
browser transmit to: #entities; andShow: [:a | a list ].
browser transmit to: #editor; from: #entities; andShow: [:a |
a magritte
description: [:entity | entity mooseDescription
asBasicMagritteDescription ]].
browser openOn: MooseModel root allModels last allModelClasses.
"Every thing has its own flow."