Hi Stef,
I looked at FAMIX. As I said before, the tg.5 version was already
fine. I now regenerated it together with Toon so that it takes into
account some internal implementation detail (the *Slot selectors that
are just used internally). I also republished a newer version of Moose-
We still did not generate the add*: selectors for adding elements in
collections, but Toon said he will do this shortly, so we will
regenerate afterwards. Until then, instead of adding in the
collection, you can just set the opposite link and this will populate
the element in the collection due to the Slot implementation.
For example, see:
| c m |
c := FAMIXClass new.
m := FAMIXMethod new.
m parentClass: c.
self assert: (c methods first = m)
On Jun 12, 2008, at 7:54 PM, stéphane ducasse wrote:
I would like to get the SqueakModelExtractor working
but for that I
need FAMIX 3.0
How can I make progress?
I really want to get moose on pharos because I want to build stuff on
moose to analyze pharo.
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