Ahh, I thought that the latest version of Keymappings handles shortcuts per morph
instance. It looks like it does not, and this is bad news for me :(.
I want to use them in the context of Glamour and for that I need to control the shortcuts
of morph instances.
How difficult is it to get it working?
On 12 Jul 2011, at 01:04, Guillermo Polito wrote:
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
I wanted to play with Keymappings, but I got stuck right at the start :).
I have two problems:
1. I would like to add a simple shortcut (e.g., "$o command") to a text morph
instance. So I have:
textMorph := TextMorph new contents: 'abcdefgh'.
"what is the magic invocation here ?"
textMorph openInWindow
The shortcuts are defined via the keymapping pragma. A shortcut is attached by now to a
particular class and not just an instance. Look at the examples (the ones defined by
Camillo, Laurent or me) and tell me if they are understandable, hehe.
The question is what should I write in the second line?
Nothing. Keymappings are "static" right now.
2. I would like to disable existing shortcuts from the text morph. How should I do that?
Look at where the shortcuts are defined for TextMorph and remove the declarations. And
you shold also reset the KMRepository.
But removing keymapping declarations doesn't guarantee the removal in TextMorph since
the default -old- shortcut handling is still there. Keymapping is just intercepting them
by now.
Hope this helps,
"What we can governs what we wish."
"Value is always contextual."