apparently RTLabelled (or rather TRConstraint) doesn't respect bezier line
(not unexpected), and thus probably also all non-straight-line elements
(RTMultiLine, RTSomethingGradientLine, maybe others). I am now working on a
solution for our heavily modified dynamic multiline, so maybe the solution
would be applicable also for the lines in roassal.
| v shape edge els |
v := RTView new.
shape := RTEllipse new size: 10; color: (Color purple alpha: 0.3).
els := (shape elementsOn: (1 to: 3)) @ RTDraggable.
v addAll: els .
RTHorizontalLineLayout on: v elements.
v elements first translateBy: -50 @ 50.
v elements last translateBy: 150 @ 100.
edge := (RTBezierLine new controllingElements: v elements) edgeFrom: els
first to: els last.
v add: edge.
edge @ (RTLabelled new text: 'a text').
^ v